About the studio

Welcome to Hesperides Music.

We’re well-known in South West London as voice and piano teachers. Check out the testimonials from our students to see what their experience was like working with us.

We teach voice and piano from beginner to advanced levels and teach all genres of music. Reach out to us to see if our styles work for you!

While developing good technique we will have FUN exploring music together in a non-judgemental environment. Whichever style of music you prefer to sing or play, we can customise your lessons to your taste. It’s your lesson! 

Contact us so we can chat and make a plan for your musical adventure!

What does Hesperides mean?

Hesperides pl (plural only) /hɛˈspɛɹɪdiːz/

  1. (Greek mythology) The three nymphs who tended a blissful garden filled with trees that grew golden apples in the Atlas mountains of Morocco.

  2. (Greek mythology) The garden of the Hesperides.

This is the inspiration for the studio which aims to be a safe and nurturing place for students to cultivate their gifts.